Christina M. Walsh, RPR

Christina M. Walsh has been with Executive Reporting Service for more than 7 years. A Court Reporter for 15 years, she has reported in federalstate, and county Courts on criminal and civil cases. In the 1990s, she worked on the Michael Hammond trial, a defendant in lewd and lascivious acts on children case. She also reported the Heather Holt case, a woman who was convicted of murdering her mother and leaving the body in orange groves.


Other notable cases Christina handled the litigation support for include the armed robbery of two store clerks by “Salt and Pepper” defendants and the motion hearings on a fatal stop-sign prank involving teenagers. Her experience extends from bench and jury trials, docket hearings, to board of county commissioner meetings and hearings. A Pasco County resident, she is married and has 2 children.

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