Sixth Judicial Circuit’s Pro Bono Recognition Ceremony
Nomination Form Instructions for the
2015 Sixth Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Awards
Deadline for Submission: February 18, 2015
Created by the Florida Supreme Court, the Sixth Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Committee oversees pro bono service to the poor (see Rule 4-6.1, Rules Regulating The Florida Bar) in Pinellas and Pasco County. The committee is chaired by the Hon. Kimberly Todd, Circuit Judge. The Sixth Circuit Pro Bono Committee will be recognizing those exemplary Attorneys, Law Firms, Paralegals and Law Students, who have given of their time to serve others in our community.
The Sixth Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Awards Ceremony will take place at the Pinellas County Justice Center, Courtroom 1 on April 17, 2015. Members of the state judiciary will recognize those who have provided outstanding pro bono service in Pinellas and Pasco Counties. Please use the Nomination Form attached to nominate individual attorneys, a law firm, paralegal or law student that made significant contributions of pro bono service to the poor in Pinellas or Pasco County during 2014.
Sixth Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Service Awards – These awards recognize a Pinellas or Pasco County lawyer, law firm, paralegal or law student that in 2014 made significant contributions of pro bono legal services to poor individuals, or to charitable organizations whose primary purpose is to provide non-legal assistance to the poor.
2015 Sixth Judicial Circuit Pro Bono Awards
Awards Information and Instructions:
Please indicate the award for which a nomination will be made by placing a mark on the line preceding the named award. A separate nomination form is required for each award category and each nominee.
AWARDS: ______Outstanding Pro Bono Service by a Lawyer
______Outstanding Pro Bono Service by a Paralegal
______Outstanding Pro Bono Service by a Law Firm
______Outstanding Pro Bono Service by a Law Student
Name of Nominee:________________________________________________________________________
Firm or Organization representative:___________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code:_____________________________________________________________________
Office Telephone:___________________________E-mail:______________________________________
In a separate attachment, describe the nominee’s significant contribution during 2014 of pro bono services to poor individuals, or to a charitable organization whose primary purpose is to provide non-legal assistance to the poor. Pro bono service in prior years may also be mentioned. Include the following:
- Estimate of total number of pro bono hours contributed in 2014; Also include an estimate of total hours contributed throughout nominee’s legal career. ( Note: an estimate of hours is acceptable for nomination purposes and nominators may not be aware of actual hours performed)
- List the types of cases and/or activities handled by the nominee that are pertinent to the award (include total number of cases or individuals assisted, if possible), and describe any special pro bono projects handled/administered.
- For the activities listed, provide the number of pro bono hours the nominee contributed and the months/years involved.
- The total number of years the nominee has continually provided pro bono services through the activities described.
- For attorney nominees: Number of years the nominee has been practicing law and principal areas of practice.
- For law student nominees, please provide an estimate of the total hours provided and any pro bono related activities the nominee has participated in.
- For paralegal nominees, please provide an estimate of the total hours provided and any pro bono related activities the nominee has participated in.
- For law firm nominees: Describe the areas of practice, size, and geographic location.
Name of person or organization submitting nomination:
City/State/Zip Code:_________________________________________________________________________
Office Telephone:______________________________E-mail_______________________________________
Please submit your Nomination Form(s) by February 18, 2015 to: [email protected]